简介:本片透過觀察不同族群,從視覺上探索泰國國族主義之興起。導演以拍攝同性情慾實驗電影著稱(本片亦有蛛絲馬跡),此作品是他最成熟且平易近人的一部,也是本單元最具原創性、最真實與最具勇氣的影片!當然,軍人、學生和其他男性在片中也沒有缺席。(台灣國際紀錄片影展)The authoritarian power held by the military and a mass adulation of the monarchy in Thailand has led to a spark in populist nationalism. With a dearth of dis-sensual voices within this climate of fear, Homogeneous Empty Time is a bold and timely work that measures just how deep these mechanisms of control run within collective conscience.Drawing from Benedict Anderson’s application of Walter Benjamin’s concept where the film finds its ti